Two of the secrets inside Premcar-enhanced new cars

Premcar Enhanced New Car

Two of the secrets inside Premcar-enhanced new cars

Together, they are part of the answer to ‘how do they do it?’

We get asked this question a lot. Customers, journalists, new-car dealers; they all ask it.

But it’s only when you dig into the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of something do you realise the ‘what’ that makes it work.

This is certainly true with Premcar-enhanced new cars.

It’s easy to think ‘they just add larger wheels, different suspension and make some body changes’ when you see a new-car model series enhanced by Premcar.

But here’s the trick (if you can call it that): It’s everything you can’t see that really counts.

Vehicle integration and industrialisation

Bolting on new wheels and suspension components to a new car is relatively easy.

But what about engineering those new parts to work together like they were designed to be there by the car’s manufacturer? That’s not so simple.

Better yet, what about expanding a new-car model’s engineering bandwidth to make those components enhance its performance measures even further?

That requires new-vehicle engineering experience.

Nissan Patrol Warrior V8
It’s not just about engineered components. It’s about integrating them into new vehicles.

Achieving all of that – with a comprehensive consumer warranty and without causing new problems elsewhere in the vehicle – is a big part of what Premcar does with its new-vehicle enhancement programs.

It’s called Vehicle Integration.

Premcar is home to some of the car industry’s best and most experienced vehicle integration engineers.

Integration one of our cars’ invisible strengths.

Another is called industrialisation.

It’s one thing to enhance a new car. That is, just the one car.

It’s entirely different to enhance a complete new-car model range for a global carmaker using in-house series production.

And it’s another level to do it while satisfying different countries’ new-vehicle regulations and a global carmaker’s manufacturing quality standards.

Very few companies can do that.

Industrialising new-car secondary manufacturing is more than building an assembly line inside an empty factory.

It means taking those carefully engineered new-vehicle enhancement components and fitting them using the same processes and tools OEM new-car manufacturers use.

This ensures accuracy and quality. It also ensures customer value.

Manufacture In Australia
Series production.

For example, at our Epping plant in Melbourne, it takes minutes, not hours, to fit a bull bar to Nissan’s Navara PRO-4X  dual-cab 4×4 when we convert it into a Premcar-enhanced Warrior. That cost saving goes into the price the customer pays.

Integration and industrialisation: They’re two of Premcar’s biggest ‘invisible’ advantages.

Together, they’re (a big part of) how we do it. And why carmakers choose us to create locally enhanced new cars for different markets.

Remember: It might look obvious from the outside, but it’s everything you can’t see that counts.


Bernie Quinn – CEO, Premcar Pty Ltd


About Premcar:

Premcar Pty Ltd is a leading Australian vehicle engineering business that specialises in the automotive, defence and aerospace industries. For more than 25 years, global car-makers have made Premcar their go-to partner for the complete design, engineering and manufacture of niche-model new cars, full-scale new-vehicle development programs, and electric vehicle (EV) conversions and manufacturing. Premcar’s body of work is extensive. It is the name behind more than 200,000 new cars and 55,000 new-vehicle engines. The company has delivered technical advancements and sales success for major car brands from Europe, the USA, Japan, China and Australia. Visit

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